Blogging for and about Youth Work and Young People

Archive for December, 2008

Random Post No.1 – Recruitment

Courtesy of Gaetan Lee

Courtesy of Gaetan Lee

Part of why life has been so busy recently has been the sudden upsurge in the number of vacancies and having to get to grips, yet again, with a recruitment system that has changed. As a County we’ve now moved from Job Descriptions and person specs to just the one role profile which has meant rewriting some of our previous info and then going through the whole interview request systems. However, with ads having gone out, shortlisting done, it’s finally interview week for a new Duke of Edinburgh, Outdoor Education and Accreditation Manager as the person who has been doing the job for the past 5 years has moved to another role within the service. She has helped to develop and move forward our work in all areas over the past few years and is still very involved in moving forward our vision of Outdoor Education so don’t go too far!!!

The other posts we are interviewing for are new ones called Postivite Activities for Children Co-ordinators and are stretching our boundaries by being focussed on developing activity programmes for targeted children aged 8-13yrs. I think these will be very exciting and will definately start to fill a gap in our provision whilst also raising interesting questions about Integrated Services and our target age group! (More on that in another post!)

So – here’s to a good and hopefully successful interview week!!


Courtesy of lepiaf.geo

Courtesy of lepiaf.geo

The last few weeks have felt like a headlong rush towards Christmas with lots and lots to do before we get there. It’s ironic that these deadlines mentally appear even though time will go on and still be available for meetings etc after the festivities. I’ve been up to so many different things that it’s been difficult to work out what to blog about so I’ve decided to do a series of random subject posts that may or may not become linked as I work my way through them. As ever in this job it isn’t that there isn’t anything to write about, just that there’s so much that it’s making sense of them in a way that will make sense to you…..and hopefully be of some interest! 🙂

So – Random Post number one will follow shortly!